All I Need

The piece

Desperate rush towards self-fulfillment by trying to avoid total confrontation, All I Need is also and above all the affirmation of a fundamental need of humanity, that of collective and reasoned listening.

Edouard Hue immersing his nine female and male dancers in a structure reminiscent of the game of go where the conquest of territory only makes sense by finding a compromise of balance with his opponent.  He invents a complex and exciting strategic ballet. The characters, inspired by current political figures, are characterized by singular movements and carried away by a qualitative quality of movement.

Their bodies, on the verge of breaking, overflow with drunken energy of power, vibrate with impatience, seething with anger. The density of space electrifies, movement borders on implosion. Or suddenly relaxes in an elastic blast. In All I Need, Edouard Hue puts forward all his know-how to create an intense and virtuoso dance. Will our protagonists find a way out? Will chaos give way to a lull to rebuild harmony?


Creation 2021, 9 dancers, 60 minutes.

Choreographer Edouard Hue
Composer Jonathan Soucasse
Costume desginer Sigolène Pétey
Ligth designer David Kretonic
Artistic assistant Alfredo Gottardi
Costume assistant Diane Seguy
Dramaturgical advices Hugo Roux

Production Beaver Dam Company

Co-productions Festival de Danse de Cannes – Cote d’Azur France, Salle du Lignon – Vernier Culture, Le Dôme Théâtre – Albertville, Equilibre-Nuithonie – Fribourg, Centre Chorégraphique National de Mulhouse – Opéra National du Rhin, L’Auditorium Seynod – Scène Régionale Auvergne – Rhône-Alpes

Residencies Château-Rouge, L’Auditorium Seynod – Scène Régionale Auvergne – Rhône-Alpes, L’Imprimerie – Genève, Théâtre du Vellein – CAPI, Salle du Lignon – Vernier, Centre Chorégraphique National de Mulhouse – Opéra National du Rhin

Financial supports Loterie Romande, Ville de Vernier – Vernier Culture, Ville de Genève, Ville d’Annecy, Fondation Sophie et Karl Binding, Pro-Helvetia – Fondation Suisse pour la Culture, DRAC Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Fondation Stanley Thomas Johnson, Conseil Départemental de la Haute-Savoie, Fondation Ernst Göhner, Fondation Anne-Marie Schindler, République et Canton de Genève, CORODIS – Commission Romande de Diffusion des Spectacles, ADAMI, Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

Partnership « Binding First Dance » with Fondation Sophie and Karl Binding

Press release

``The whole exudes vivacity, virtuosity, associating figures, postures, contemporary codes with passion, emotion, beauty. We are captivated, charmed, carried away. Besides, the public, rather young and frankly enthusiastic, demanded three encores.``

Catherine Schwaab, Paris Match

“(…) the performance has a totally assumed political tone. And it is galvanizing. Edouard Hue therefore succeeds in his transformation, that of a fully assumed choreographer playing with codes and styles. ``
Ouvert aux publics
``Drunk, bubbling, impetuous, made of rupture, eminently political, the choreographer's writing electrifies, hyptnotizes. ``

L’Oeil d’Olivier

``Edouard Hue and the Beaver Dam Company end their serie at La Scala on Friday and Saturday. It cant be missed!``

Les Echos

« A complex, fascinating - and inclusive Ballet»


«  Edouard Hue's choreography is characterized by freshness, effervescence and liveliness. (…) we can admire how he combines different stylistic influences in a violently throbbing cosmos. »
Online Merker
«In the creative impulse of this uncompromising youth, there is incontestably a generational phenomenon, (…), something important is happening, a reflection of the world moved by a terribly sharpened lucidity. It is to be seen, immediately. »
Laurence Caron, Ce qui est remarquable…




Théâtre Equilibre - Nuithonie | Fribourg, Suisse


Les Salins - Scène Nationale de Martigues | Martigues
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